This policy sets out the procedure to ensure there is compliance with legislation and continuity of procedures in the co-option of members to Old Cleeve Parish Council. The co-option procedure is entirely managed by the Parish Council, and this policy will
ensure that a fair and equitable process is carried out.
Old Cleeve Parish Council has a duty to ensure that its investments in assets are properly managed, controlled and recorded. If the assets the Parish Council owns, or for which it is responsible, are not being managed properly the Parish Council is exposed to the risk of financial loss. The risk of financial loss can be greatly reduced by effective asset management. This policy defines how Old Cleeve Parish Council tracks, values, inspects, maintains, and disposes of its assets.
The parish of Old Cleeve covers an area of over 5000 acres. This policy sets out how Old Cleeve Parish Council will, in exercising all its functions, have regard to the purpose of conserving biodiversity in the Parish, in accordance with the duty imposed on town and parish councils by Section 40 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006, updated by Section 102 of the Environment Act 2021.
Employers Pensions Discretion Policy
As part of its participation in the Local Government Pension Scheme, Old Cleeve Parish Council is required to make and publish policy statements on how they will exercise five specific discretions.
The purpose of this policy is to provide clear guidance on the reimbursement of travel, training and out-of-pocket expenses.