Annual Governance Statements
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/2024
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit
- External Auditors Report and Certificate
- Notice of Public Rights and publication of AGAR
- Annual Internal Audit Report
- Governance Statement
- Accounting Statements
- Analysis of Variances
- Bank Reconciliation
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/2023
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit
- External Auditor Report and Certificate
- Notice of Public Rights and publication of AGAR
- Annual Internal Audit Report
- Governance Statement
- Accounting Statements
- Analysis of Variances
- Bank Reconciliation
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/2022
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit
- External Auditor Report and Certificate
- Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR
- Annual Internal Audit Report
- Governance Statement
- Accounting Statements
- Analysis of Variances
- Bank Reconciliation
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2020/2021
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit
- Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR
- Annual Internal Audit Report
- Governance Statement
- Accounting Statements
- Analysis of Variances
- Bank Reconciliation
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2019/2020
- Notice of Conclusion of Audit
- Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR
(the publication date has been delayed from the signing of the AGAR on 29/06/2020 to the publication date of 28/08/2020 due to COVID-19 to ensure other issues can be dealt with effectively and all tasks are completed as necessary – please contact the Clerk for further information if required) - Annual Internal Audit Report
- Governance Statement
- Accounting Statements
- Analysis of Variances
- Bank Reconciliation
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2018/2019
- Certificate of Exemption
- Annual Internal Audit Report Governance Statement
- Accounting Statements
- Analysis of Variances
- Bank Reconciliation
- Notice of Public Rights and Publication of AGAR
Financial Regulations
Financial Regulations are standing orders to regulate and control the financial affairs and accounting procedures of Old Cleeve Parish Council. The Financial Regulations, as opposed to the standing orders of a Council, include most of the requirements relevant to the Responsible Financial Officer.
View the full Financial Regulations (PDF)
Old Cleeve Parish Council is required to maintain adequate financial reserves to meet its needs. The Reserves Policy sets out how the Council will determine and review the level of reserves.
View the Reserves Policy
Supporting our Community
In accordance with Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, Old Cleeve Parish Council (OCPC) is able to support charities, local groups or projects that will bring direct benefit to, or improve the services provided within and adjacent to, the OCPC community. Please note that funding is limited and is disbursed based on a single application for one financial year. OCPC cannot commit to or consider multi-year funding requests.